Terrorism and Political Violence Insurance

Terrorism and political violence events are occurring with increasing frequency globally. These types of situations require specialized standalone solutions to fully address the full spectrum of perils that can potentially impact either a company’s assets or those of its customers and suppliers.

McGowan offers worldwide insurance for assets that are exposed to terrorism and political violence attacks. We help companies navigate through dynamic, complex, and ever-changing global threats while considering the implications of legislation such as TRIPRA.

Have questions? Contact Reiner Mauer for more information.

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Product Details


Clients needing political violence or terrorism insurance coverage, ranging from small companies with single asset exposure to multinational companies with global exposure, including:

  • Fortune 500
  • Real Estate
  • Offices & Banks
  • Power & Utilities
  • Chemical and Pharmaceutical
  • Energy - Oil and Gas
  • Construction and Mining
  • Hospitality
  • Transport
  • Healthcare, Education, Religious


  • Certainty of stand-alone coverage
  • Global insurance coverage for terrorism and political violence
  • Standard market or bespoke wordings
  • Global capability
  • Specialized underwriters who understand applicable legislation like TRIPRA


  • Terrorism and sabotage
  • Riots, strikes and civil commotion and malicious damage
  • Employee and general terrorism liability
  • Active Assailant / Workplace Violence


Coverage is for direct physical loss or damage and resulting business interruption on either a gross earnings or loss of profit basis.

  • Up to $200M Capacity
  • Extra expense
  • Loss of rental income
  • Time element extensions
  • Terrorism liability – general liability for bodily injury and/or physical damage resulting from an act of terrorism


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