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Risks Affecting Restuarants – Chapter 2

Let’s paint a picture. It’s nearing the end of a long and busy night. If I was a restaurant owner, I might take a stool at the bar and enjoy a nice glass of Shiraz. I would revel in each successful step I had taken in a chancy but passionate industry.

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Accessibility Requirements for Existing Swimming Pools at Hotels and Other Public Accommodations – Q&A

There has been much discussion and many questions lately related to the Swimming Pool Accessibility Requirements, due in large part to the compliance date being January 31, 2013. Many of our Brokers want to make sure that their Hotel and Motel Insured’s are compliant with the new ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) regulations, published by the Department of Justice.

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New Series! Risks Affecting Restaurants – Chapter 1

First of our new 12 months series.

I have lots of examples of losses, but I thought today I would discuss one of the most common: Food Borne Illness. Of all the risks a restaurant faces, quite possibly the largest exposure in 2012 was outbreaks of food borne illness.

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