Video Series Part 3: Litigation and Liability for Active Shooter Scenarios

active shooter insurance videos

McGowan Program Administrators is excited to announce the third installment in our video series on Active Shooter Insurance. In this video, Paul Marshall, managing director of the McGowan Active Shooter Insurance Program talks about litigation, liability, and the need for specific coverage. To learn more, watch the video below: In case you missed our first […]

Video Series Part 2: Coverage Awareness for Active Shooter Scenarios

active shooter insurance videos

McGowan Program Administrators is excited to introduce the second video in our series on Active Shooter Insurance. In this installment, Paul Marshall will discuss the importance of coverage awareness and its role in Active Shooter Insurance in this video. Watch the video below to learn more: In case you missed our first blog in this […]

Video Series Part 1: Key Coverages for Active Shooter Scenarios

active shooter insurance videos

McGowan Program Administrators is excited to announce a new video series on Active Shooter coverage. The first video in our series will feature Paul Marshall, and will discuss Key Coverages of Active Shooter Insurance. Active Shooter Insurance is an innovative insurance that has been gaining publicity as the number of shooting tragedies multiplies daily. For more […]

What Kinds of Businesses Should Consider Active Shooter Insurance

Sometimes an active shooter incident can start and finish before any law enforcement officers arrive on the scene.

With commercial enterprises and other public institutions at risk, it’s important that brokers and agents working with these clients ensure they have the information and data necessary to put the protections in place in the unfortunate event that an active shooter incident occurs.

Firestorm Releases a New Infographic

Crisis management can be difficult for any business, no matter its size or resources. However, no matter the kind of business, there are common failings many businesses experience during crisis management. Firestorm, a crisis coach company, surveyed 5856 of its webinar attendees and found that there were five common failures for companies dealing with a […]