What Happens in the Aftermath of an Active Shooter Situation?

It’s never really over. The impact of an active-shooter event lingers for years. Families and co-workers struggle to heal after losing loved ones. Businesses lose revenue and consider relocating. Attorneys file lawsuits to recapture monetary losses. And the losses pile up as the years pass. Sandy Hook Elementary School had to be rebuilt from the […]

What Hotels Can Learn from the Las Vegas Mass Shooting

Hotels, like any other locations with large numbers of people, provide an attractive target for lone-wolf attackers planning mass shootings. The massacre in Las Vegas on October 1, 2017, made the risk tragically clear. Lawsuits against MGM, owner of the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino, started piling up within days after a man opened fire […]

Infographic: Workplace Violence: Why Active Shooter Insurance is Important Today

Active shooter materials

As the threat of workplace violence increases, so does the need for Active Shooter Insurance. Our infographic on statistics for active shooters in the workplace environment will help you understand the dangers that workplaces face, and how you can mitigate it. Join our Webinar: What do active shooter and workplace violence insurance policies cover?  

Four Ways to Learn About Active Shooter/Workplace Violence Insurance

Active shooter materials

McGowan Program Administrators is the hub for fantastic resources on Active Shooter/Workplace Violence Insurance. We’ve put together four ways that you can learn aboutActive Shooter/Workplace Violence Insurance, featuring some of our best and most popular resources. Listen to our recent Active Shooter/Workplace Violence Insurance Presentation: Just because you missed the webinar doesn’t mean that you can’t listen […]