Workplace Violence: Key Statistics

Workplace violence is any act or threat of physical violence, harassment, intimidation, or other threatening disruptive behavior that occurs at the work site, according to the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA). Workplace violence statistics are staggering: Each year, nearly 2 million American workers are victims of workplace violence, which was the 2nd leading cause […]

Professions Most at Risk for Workplace Violence

Two million Americans report suffering from workplace violence every year, making it the second leading cause of work-site deaths in the country (the leading cause is automobile accidents), according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). Many more cases go unreported. The organization defines workplace violence as any act or threat of physical violence, […]

6 Hidden Costs of Workplace Violence

The initial costs of workplace violence may come and go in the space of a week or two, but once the bills for trauma care, funerals, and grief counseling get paid, a new set of costs starts taking its toll. These costs are considerably more difficult to quantify — much less anticipate or prevent — […]

PRIMA Talks Active Shooter Policies with McGowan’s Paul Marshall

How much does active-shooter insurance coverage cost? Why should policyholders conduct security reviews and vulnerability assessments? These are just two of the topics Paul Marshall, McGowan’s director of Active Shooter/Workplace Violence programs, addresses in a conversation on the PRIMA Podcast, produced by the Public Risk Management Association. “A lot of people think these policies are […]

11 Things to Look for in an Active Shooter Insurance Policy

Active shooter/workplace violence insurance programs vary widely from one policy to the next. Each insurer has a different idea of which risks should be covered and at what cost, obliging buyers to weigh each policy provision carefully to make sure they have all the coverage they need. It’s not safe to assume your standard business […]

Workplace Violence, Domestic Violence, and Active Shooters: What’s the Link?

Active shooter incidents almost always happen where people work or live. Therefore, it’s impossible to ignore the links between mass shootings and workplace/domestic violence. As the accompanying table shows, just 9.4% of active shooter incidents between 2000 and 2013 happened in an open space, according to the FBI. The rest happened primarily in workplaces, except […]