COVID-19: Understanding and Mitigating Workplace Violence

Woman with wallet wearing protective face mask and gloves to prevent viruses taking credit card back from cashier at cash register

Amid the chaos caused by the coronavirus and COVID-19 pandemic, people find themselves under enormous strain and pressure. They are worried about the health and safety of themselves and family members. They are facing financial stress due to reduced hours at work or losing a job. And they are concerned about shortages of essential items […]

How Best to Protect Hospitals and Patients During an Active Shooter Incident

doctors and nurses running

During active shooter training, instructors teach several different response plans to equip healthcare employees with the tools necessary to act quickly and decisively during an active shooter incident. Let’s take a look at the challenges and appropriate responses to help protect you and your patients during an event.  Challenges hospitals face with active shooter incidents  The […]

The Challenges Hospitals Face with the Rise in Active Shooter Incidents

doctors and nurses running

With the increase in active shooter incidents across the U.S., hospitals have another vital role to play beyond their day-to-day responsibilities for the health and wellness of the community. Hospital administrators and staff members must also rise to the challenge of keeping patients, visitors, each other, and themselves safe amid growing threats of violence and […]

Hospital Active Shooter Threats: What You Need to Know

doctor running

Hospital shootings are on the rise over the last two decades. A 2012 Annals of Internal Medicine study identified 154 shootings between 2000 and 2011. There were a handful of incidents reported in 2000, but in 2015, more than 20 shootings occurred in hospital facilities. Unfortunately, active shooter events on hospital grounds are now nearly […]

Why Hospitals Need Active Shooter Insurance

hospital emergency center sign

Today’s hospitals are prepared with protocols and procedures to handle gunshot wounds and have hospital insurance to deal with lawsuits. The unfortunate rise in mass shootings in the United States has led hospital staff to practice simulation drills to prepare personnel for when a tragic event occurs. But are your hospital administrators and staff members […]

How active shooter/workplace violence response has evolved in recent decades

police car with lights on

The response to active shooter situations has evolved over the past several decades, but the risk to life continues to loom. Progress has been made by overhauling law enforcement and emergency personnel procedures, but active shooter risk remains. In creating active shooter protocols, it is helpful to have an overview of how active shooter response […]