How to Prevent and Protect Against Workplace Shootings Post-COVID

MCGowan Preventing workplace violence

Workplace shootings—and shootings in general—are not going away. In fact, they’ve been on the rise in recent years, even during the pandemic when many workers were at home. According to the Childhood Preparedness Institute, studies have shown that there’s a high rate of attacks after a break in routine. For example, up to 41% of […]

Do you need standalone terrorism insurance coverage?

McGowan - standalone terrorism insurance

Despite the United States not experiencing a large-scale terrorist attack since 9/11, there has been an increase in the frequency of smaller-scale attacks. Many insureds now face a gap in insurance coverage, as policies commonly focus on large-scale attacks that rarely occur. To adequately protect themselves, businesses need to have terrorism insurance coverage that covers […]

Combat Violence With Threat Assessments in Schools

As the threat of school shootings continues to loom over students and educators, the thorny issue of liability has come into question. In November 2021, a shooting at Oxford High School in Oxford, Michigan resulted in the deaths of four students and the injury of seven more. The Oxford School District has come under scrutiny […]

2021 Active Shooter Statistics: A Year in Review

Photo for Mcgowan-2021-Active-Shooter-Statistics

Defined by The Gun Violence Archive (GVA), an online archive of active shooter statistics, a mass shooting is an incident of gun violence with a minimum of four victims, not including the shooter. Compared with a total of 417 mass shootings in 2019, the GVA reported 611 mass shootings in 2020 and 693 in 2021. […]

Property Damage Liability: The Cost of Civil Unrest


The widespread civil unrest and rioting the nation experienced in 2020 has spotlighted property damage liability and the language we use to talk about providing coverage for the types of events that took place. It’s still unclear what the final tally of losses will be, but many reports are estimating over $2 Billion, which would be […]

Companies Taking Notice of Safe Workplace OSHA Requirements


In terms of reopening the economy and getting back to some semblance of normalcy, 2021 might be the year we hoped for. As much of a relief as that is, unfortunately, there are no signs that the civil unrest we saw in 2020 will dissipate in 2021. The protests and riots in 140 U.S. cities […]